Snippets - Recurring and Reusable Blocks

Snippets allow you to create reusable content blocks that can be inserted into any email. You no longer have to update each individual email, simply update the snippet and changes will reflect across all emails that use the snippet.

Quick tip: You can save email blocks as reusable blocks and then load them into a snippet, turning them into snippets. An easy way to start moving content blocks into snippets.

Create a Snippet

Go to Emails > All Snippets

Click the blue button at the bottom left corner and select "Add Snippet". Similar to creating emails, you'll see the editor pop-up.Design your snippet and when ready, save and close. You are now ready to add the snippet to all of your emails.

Add Snippet to Email

Open any email template and look for the Snippets content block in the menu on the right.

Add the Snippets block anywhere on your email and select the snippet you'd like to load.

Once selected, it will automatically load the content 

Snippet Examples

Snippets are a perfect candidate for footers and signatures as these are the most common recurring parts of any template.

Once you've created your signature, don't forget to replace your existing email signatures with the Signature Snippet.

If needed, you can now update the snippet and that will update all emails that have the snippet loaded.

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