HubSpot fields and permissions
HubSpot has over 150 properties (fields) that are read-only. This means that the Encharge sync can not overwrite their data value, as it doesn't have the permission to do so. To sync Encharge data related to these properties, you'd need to create a custom property and map it to the Encharge field.
Below is a list of all the read-only properties in HubSpot. Make sure to reference it if you don't see the Encharge field values coming through.
name: days_to_close
label: Days To Close
name: first_conversion_date
label: First Conversion Date
name: first_conversion_event_name
label: First Conversion
name: first_deal_created_date
label: First Deal Created Date
name: hs_additional_emails
label: Additional email addresses
name: hs_all_contact_vids
label: All vids for a contact
name: hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign
label: First Touch Converting Campaign
name: hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign
label: Last Touch Converting Campaign
name: hs_avatar_filemanager_key
label: Avatar FileManager key
name: hs_calculated_form_submissions
label: All form submissions for a contact
name: hs_calculated_merged_vids
label: Merged vids with timestamps of a contact
name: hs_calculated_mobile_number
label: Calculated Mobile Number in International Format
name: hs_calculated_phone_number
label: Calculated Phone Number in International Format
name: hs_calculated_phone_number_area_code
label: Calculated Phone Number Area Code
name: hs_calculated_phone_number_country_code
label: Calculated Phone Number Country Code
name: hs_calculated_phone_number_region_code
label: Calculated Phone Number Region
name: hs_content_membership_email_confirmed
label: Email Confirmed
name: hs_content_membership_notes
label: Membership Notes
name: hs_content_membership_registration_domain_sent_to
label: Domain to which registration email was sent
name: hs_content_membership_registration_email_sent_at
label: Time registration email was sent
name: hs_conversations_visitor_email
label: Conversations visitor email
name: hs_count_is_unworked
label: Count of unengaged contacts
name: hs_count_is_worked
label: Count of engaged contacts
name: hs_created_by_conversations
label: Created By Conversations
name: hs_created_by_user_id
label: Created by user ID
name: hs_createdate
label: Object create date/time
name: hs_date_entered_customer
label: Date entered 'Customer (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_evangelist
label: Date entered 'Evangelist (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_lead
label: Date entered 'Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_marketingqualifiedlead
label: Date entered 'Marketing Qualified Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_opportunity
label: Date entered 'Opportunity (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_other
label: Date entered 'Other (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_salesqualifiedlead
label: Date entered 'Sales Qualified Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_entered_subscriber
label: Date entered 'Subscriber (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_customer
label: Date exited 'Customer (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_evangelist
label: Date exited 'Evangelist (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_lead
label: Date exited 'Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_marketingqualifiedlead
label: Date exited 'Marketing Qualified Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_opportunity
label: Date exited 'Opportunity (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_other
label: Date exited 'Other (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_salesqualifiedlead
label: Date exited 'Sales Qualified Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_date_exited_subscriber
label: Date exited 'Subscriber (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_document_last_revisited
label: Recent Document Revisit Date
name: hs_email_bad_address
label: Invalid email address
name: hs_email_domain
label: Email Domain
name: hs_email_hard_bounce_reason
label: Email hard bounce reason
name: hs_email_hard_bounce_reason_enum
label: Email hard bounce reason
name: hs_email_quarantined
label: Email Address Quarantined
name: hs_email_quarantined_reason
label: Email address automated quarantine reason
name: hs_email_recipient_fatigue_recovery_time
label: Email Address Recipient Fatigue Next Available Sending Time
name: hs_email_sends_since_last_engagement
label: Sends Since Last Engagement
name: hs_emailconfirmationstatus
label: Marketing email confirmation status
name: hs_feedback_last_nps_follow_up
label: Last NPS survey comment
name: hs_feedback_last_nps_rating
label: Last NPS survey rating
name: hs_feedback_last_survey_date
label: Last NPS survey date
name: hs_first_engagement_object_id
label: ID of first engagement
name: hs_first_subscription_create_date
label: First subscription create date
name: hs_has_active_subscription
label: Contact has an active subscription
name: hs_ip_timezone
label: IP Timezone
name: hs_is_contact
label: Is a contact
name: hs_is_unworked
label: Contact unworked
name: hs_last_sales_activity_date
label: last sales activity date old
name: hs_last_sales_activity_timestamp
label: Last Engagement Date
name: hs_last_sales_activity_type
label: Last Engagement Type
name: hs_lastmodifieddate
label: Object last modified date/time
name: hs_latest_sequence_ended_date
label: Last sequence ended date
name: hs_latest_sequence_enrolled
label: Last sequence enrolled
name: hs_latest_sequence_enrolled_date
label: Last sequence enrolled date
name: hs_latest_sequence_finished_date
label: Last sequence finished date
name: hs_latest_sequence_unenrolled_date
label: Last sequence unenrolled date
name: hs_latest_source_timestamp
label: Latest Source Date
name: hs_marketable_reason_id
label: Marketing contact status source name
name: hs_marketable_reason_type
label: Marketing contact status source type
name: hs_marketable_status
label: Marketing contact status
name: hs_marketable_until_renewal
label: Marketing contact until next update
name: hs_merged_object_ids
label: Merged object IDs
name: hs_object_id
label: Record ID
name: hs_pinned_engagement_id
label: Pinned engagement ID
name: hs_predictivecontactscore_v2
label: Likelihood to close
name: hs_predictivescoringtier
label: Contact priority
name: hs_read_only
label: Read Only Object
name: hs_sa_first_engagement_date
label: Date of first engagement
name: hs_sa_first_engagement_descr
label: Description of first engagement
name: hs_sa_first_engagement_object_type
label: Type of first engagement
name: hs_sales_email_last_clicked
label: Recent Sales Email Clicked Date
name: hs_sales_email_last_opened
label: Recent Sales Email Opened Date
name: hs_searchable_calculated_international_mobile_number
label: Calculated Mobile Number with country code
name: hs_searchable_calculated_international_phone_number
label: Calculated Phone Number with country code
name: hs_searchable_calculated_mobile_number
label: Calculated Mobile Number without country code
name: hs_searchable_calculated_phone_number
label: Calculated Phone Number without country code
name: hs_sequences_actively_enrolled_count
label: Number of sequences actively enrolled
name: hs_sequences_enrolled_count
label: Number of sequences enrolled
name: hs_sequences_is_enrolled
label: Currently in Sequence
name: hs_testpurge
label: testpurge
name: hs_testrollback
label: testrollback
name: hs_time_in_customer
label: Time in 'Customer (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_evangelist
label: Time in 'Evangelist (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_lead
label: Time in 'Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_marketingqualifiedlead
label: Time in 'Marketing Qualified Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_opportunity
label: Time in 'Opportunity (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_other
label: Time in 'Other (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_salesqualifiedlead
label: Time in 'Sales Qualified Lead (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_in_subscriber
label: Time in 'Subscriber (Lifecycle Stage Pipeline)'
name: hs_time_to_first_engagement
label: Lead response time
name: hs_unique_creation_key
label: Unique creation key
name: hs_updated_by_user_id
label: Updated by user ID
name: hs_user_ids_of_all_notification_followers
label: User IDs of all notification followers
name: hs_user_ids_of_all_notification_unfollowers
label: User IDs of all notification unfollowers
name: hs_user_ids_of_all_owners
label: User IDs of all owners
name: hubspot_owner_assigneddate
label: Owner Assigned Date
name: ip_city
label: IP City
name: ip_country
label: IP Country
name: ip_country_code
label: IP Country Code
name: ip_latlon
label: IP Latitude & Longitude
name: ip_state
label: IP State/Region
name: ip_state_code
label: IP State Code/Region Code
name: ip_zipcode
label: IP Zipcode
name: lastmodifieddate
label: Last Modified Date
name: num_associated_deals
label: Number of Associated Deals
name: num_conversion_events
label: Number of Form Submissions
name: num_unique_conversion_events
label: Number of Unique Forms Submitted
name: recent_conversion_date
label: Recent Conversion Date
name: recent_conversion_event_name
label: Recent Conversion
name: recent_deal_amount
label: Recent Deal Amount
name: recent_deal_close_date
label: Recent Deal Close Date
name: test_calculated
label: Test Calculated
name: total_revenue
label: Total Revenue
name: hs_analytics_first_url
label: First Page Seen
name: hs_email_delivered
label: Marketing emails delivered
name: hs_email_optout_10058349
label: Opted out of email: Test
name: hs_email_optout_7655488
label: Opted out of email: Customer Service Communication
name: hs_email_optout_9670360
label: Opted out of email: One to One
name: currentlyinworkflow
label: Currently in workflow
name: hs_analytics_last_url
label: Last Page Seen
name: hs_email_open
label: Marketing emails opened
name: hs_analytics_num_page_views
label: Number of Pageviews
name: hs_email_click
label: Marketing emails clicked
name: hs_analytics_num_visits
label: Number of Sessions
name: hs_email_bounce
label: Marketing emails bounced
name: hs_social_last_engagement
label: Most Recent Social Click
name: hs_analytics_num_event_completions
label: Number of event completions
name: hs_email_optout
label: Unsubscribed from all email
name: hs_social_twitter_clicks
label: Twitter Clicks
name: hs_analytics_first_timestamp
label: Time First Seen
name: hs_email_last_email_name
label: Last marketing email name
name: hs_email_last_send_date
label: Last marketing email send date
name: hs_social_facebook_clicks
label: Facebook Clicks
name: engagements_last_meeting_booked
label: Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool
name: engagements_last_meeting_booked_campaign
label: Campaign of last booking in meetings tool
name: engagements_last_meeting_booked_medium
label: Medium of last booking in meetings tool
name: engagements_last_meeting_booked_source
label: Source of last booking in meetings tool
name: hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp
label: Time of First Session
name: hs_email_last_open_date
label: Last marketing email open date
name: hs_latest_meeting_activity
label: Latest meeting activity
name: hs_sales_email_last_replied
label: Recent Sales Email Replied Date
name: hs_social_linkedin_clicks
label: LinkedIn Clicks
name: notes_last_contacted
label: Last Contacted
name: notes_last_updated
label: Last Activity Date
name: notes_next_activity_date
label: Next Activity Date
name: num_contacted_notes
label: Number of times contacted
name: num_notes
label: Number of Sales Activities
name: surveymonkeyeventlastupdated
label: SurveyMonkey Event Last Updated
name: webinareventlastupdated
label: Webinar Event Last Updated
name: hs_analytics_last_timestamp
label: Time Last Seen
name: hs_email_last_click_date
label: Last marketing email click date
name: hs_social_google_plus_clicks
label: Google Plus Clicks
name: hubspot_team_id
label: HubSpot Team
name: hs_all_owner_ids
label: All owner ids
name: hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp
label: Time of Last Session
name: hs_email_first_send_date
label: First marketing email send date
name: hs_social_num_broadcast_clicks
label: Broadcast Clicks
name: hs_all_team_ids
label: All team ids
name: hs_email_first_open_date
label: First marketing email open date
name: hs_all_accessible_team_ids
label: All accessible team ids
name: hs_analytics_source_data_1
label: Original Source Drill-Down 1
name: hs_email_first_click_date
label: First marketing email click date
name: hs_latest_source_data_1
label: Latest Source Drill-Down 1
name: hs_analytics_source_data_2
label: Original Source Drill-Down 2
name: hs_email_is_ineligible
label: Is globally ineligible
name: hs_latest_source_data_2
label: Latest Source Drill-Down 2
name: hs_analytics_first_referrer
label: First Referring Site
name: hs_email_first_reply_date
label: First marketing email reply date
name: hs_analytics_last_referrer
label: Last Referring Site
name: hs_email_last_reply_date
label: Last marketing email reply date
name: hs_analytics_average_page_views
label: Average Pageviews
name: hs_email_replied
label: Marketing emails replied
name: hs_analytics_revenue
label: Event Revenue
name: hs_lifecyclestage_lead_date
label: Became a Lead Date
name: hs_lifecyclestage_marketingqualifiedlead_date
label: Became a Marketing Qualified Lead Date
name: hs_lifecyclestage_opportunity_date
label: Became an Opportunity Date
name: hs_lifecyclestage_salesqualifiedlead_date
label: Became a Sales Qualified Lead Date
name: createdate
label: Create Date
name: hs_lifecyclestage_evangelist_date
label: Became an Evangelist Date
name: hs_lifecyclestage_customer_date
label: Became a Customer Date
name: hubspotscore
label: HubSpot Score
name: hs_lifecyclestage_subscriber_date
label: Became a Subscriber Date
name: hs_lifecyclestage_other_date
label: Became an Other Lifecycle Date
name: associatedcompanylastupdated
label: Associated Company Last Updated
name: hs_predictivecontactscorebucket
label: Lead Rating
name: hs_predictivecontactscore
label: Predictive Lead Score