Object Segmentation
Conditions Overview
Segments in Encharge are defined by their Conditions. Think of Conditions as the set of common criteria that defines a certain group of people in your account. When you create a new Segment you are asked to define its conditions:
You can create segments that satisfy all of the conditions that you choose ("All of the following") or any of the conditions ("Any of the following").
If "All of the following" is selected the text in the circle to the left of each condition will be "AND" which indicates that an Object needs to meet all of the conditions to enter the Segment.
If "Any of the following" is selected the text in the circle to the left of each condition will be "OR" which indicates that an Object needs to meet any of the conditions to enter the Segment. In other words, if an Object meets at least one of the conditions, it will enter the Segment.
Add a new Condition
To add a new Condition click on the blue "+ Condition" button and select the Condition. For instance, Companies with Industry type "SaaS".
Association Conition
The association condition allows you to Segment Objects per Association type. For example, you can Segment Companies that are associated with another Custom Object you created, like Invoices.
You can take it a step further and Segment Objects based on their association with Invoice that has a High Value.
You can learn more about the other available conditions on our help page dedicated to segment conditions.
Remove a Condition
To delete a condition, hover over the condition and click on the X icon on the far right: