Event Management

Encharge has a unique, powerful feature called Event Management or simply the Events page. Event Management allows you to see all of the events that have been received or created in your Encharge account, as well as the option to create and organize new events. In development terms, this is the “schema” of your events. 

You can manually create events and define their properties so your developers understand what events need to be coded. In other words, you can use Event Management as your event tracking plan.

Overview of the Events page

The events page contains a list of all the events you have in your account. You can access this page at https://app.encharge.io/events

Events are grouped into categories: Ingest API, JavaScript events, and Stripe events (you will receive Stripe billing events if you have connected your Stripe account with Encharge).

In the left sidebar, you can see a filter of the event categories and folders. In the main section is the table of all of the events:

The table contains the following information about each event:

  • Icon of the event - Ingest API, Site tracking, Segment, and Stripe events have different icons. We are also working on an upcoming feature that would allow you to set custom event icons.
  • Name - name of the event (case sensitive)
  • API Name - the API name of the event
  • Source - the source of the event. Where was the event received from. This can be Ingest API, Site tracking, Stripe (if the Stripe integration is connected), and Segment
  • Last seen - when was the event last received
  • Volume trend - a graph displaying the number of received events in the last 30 days.
  • 30 days volume - the total number of events received in the last 30 days
  • Folder - the folder the event belongs to, if any

Creating new events

You can manually create events on the Events page even before an event is received. As mentioned, the main purpose of manually creating events is so your developers understand what events need to be coded, as well as the properties that need to be passed for each event.

To create a new event, click on the blue circle at the bottom left and create a new event. This will open a pop-up with the event information:

  • API Name and Name - For example, “Project Created”. Keep in mind that developers might change the API Name later, but all you need to know to use it in your flows is the Name.
  • Description - Describe when is the event triggered and why it’s important. For instance: “Triggered when a first project is created. We track this as a key user activation moment.”
  • Source  - Depending on how your developers plan to integrate with Encharge, the source could be Site Tracking, Ingest API, or Segment. This bit is not critical now, as developers can change it later.

Event details page 

When you click on an event, you will be taken to the single event page, where you can find and define more information about the particular event. As you start using the event across the app, you will be able to see all flows and segments that use the event.

On the event details page, you can find the following information:

In the sidebar:

  • Icon of the event
  • Details about the event -  API name, Source, Last edited.
  • Activity - last seen, first seen, the total number of events, and people who performed this event.
  • Usage - number of flows and segments that use this event.

In the main area:

  • Overview tab - with event activity graph, feed of latest event properites.
  • Activity tab - activity feed with all of the events.
  • Properties  - all event properties.
  • Flows - all flows that use the event.
  • Segments - all segments that use the event.

Creating event properties

On the event details page, you can all create properties for the event, too. As explained on our page on Events, properties are additional information you collect with each event. For instance, for our “Project Created” event, we might want to collect the type of the project, the timestamp when the project was created, the assignee, and other data. At this stage, properties don’t have to be precise, but it would help your developers understand your needed information.

Share your event management plan with the developers

When you are ready with creating events manually, you can invite your developer team members to your Encharge account (if they are not there yet) and share the events with them.

Once your events start flowing into your Encharge account, you can start setting up your behavior-based emails! Moving forward, you don’t need developer help, so the ball is in your court. To use events, create flows with the Event Trigger or Segment Event Trigger.

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