Send different emails based on form answers
This article explains how to send different emails (or execute different actions) based on how people answer specific questions in your forms. For example, send a call email if a person answers that their budget is more than $500, but end the flow if their budget is less than that.
This will work Typeform and all of the form tools supported with the Form Submitted or Receive Webhook trigger steps.
Step 1: Prepare custom fields for the answers
Before you start setting up your Flow, you have to prepare custom fields for the answers that you plan to use.
For example, if you have a form that asks people to enter their budget and industry, you'd have to create two custom fields named, for example, "Budget" and "Industry". The answers to these questions will be saved as values in the custom fields, and we are going to use these fields to build your Flow later.
To learn how to create custom fields in Encharge, please read this help article.
Note that you don't need to create custom fields for fields that already exist in Encharge, like Email, Name, etc.
Step 2: Create a Flow and add the trigger
This Flow will work with any trigger step that works as a form submission, but it could also work with the Entered Segment step depending on how you set up the segment.
Choose one of the following trigger steps to start the Flow depending on which form tool you use:
Step 3: Set up the trigger step and map the fields
In our example, we're going to use Typeform, and this is how our form looks like:
It contains 2 questions:
- What's the main reason you didn't sign up to Encharge?
- Email.
To trigger a form submission we're going to use the Typeform Submitted trigger step.
Once we connect with Typeform and select the form. we get to map the questions to custom fields in Encharge. This step is critical!
In the previous step, I have already created a custom field named "Reason for not signing up" which I'm going to map to the question:
Once you are done with mapping the fields, save the trigger step.
Step 3: Connect the trigger step to a Check Condition step
Next, you have to connect the trigger step to a Check Condition filter step.
On 15 Sep 2023, The Check Field step was renamed to Check Condition step.
Think of the Check Condition step as the way to achieve If/Else conditions in Encharge based on field values.
With our example Flow, we want to achieve the following:
- If a person responds with "Didn't understand the product" we want to send them an education email.
- If they choose "I'm picking your competitor" we want to tag them with
- If they choose "I just ended up here" we want to simply end the flow for them.
To achieve this we are going to connect the trigger step with 3 Check Condition filter steps like this:
Next, we are going to set up each Check Condition step. We're going to select the Check Condition step, add a "Field" condition, and search for the field name "Reason for not signing up", then we're going to enter "Didn't understand the product":
We are going to do the same with the other two fields but use the respective field values:
What we've done is divide the Flow into 3 different paths based on which answer a person chooses. For example, people who have answered with "Didn't understand the product" will continue in the first path to the left.
Pro tip: The Check Condition filter step is extremely powerful. It can be used to create all kinds of conditions. For example "Budget is more than 500", and even combinations of conditions like "Budget is more than 500 AND reason for not signing up is 'Didn't understand the product'".
Step 3: Connect the filter steps to action steps
Last, we have to connect the Check Condition steps to the respective action steps.
- We're going to connect the first Check Condition step to a Send Email action step.
- The second one to Add Tag step.
- And the third one to the End Flow step.
All of the connections will proceed on "Yes".
That's it! We have managed to achieve the following:
- If a person responds with "Didn't understand the product" we send them an educational email.
- If they choose "I'm picking your competitor" we tag them with
- If they choose "I just ended up here" we want to simply end the flow for them.