What are Person Fields?

Person fields in Encharge are the attributes or properties of each person in your account. For example, their email address, company, or City.

There are two types of person fields:

  • Default fields – Each Encharge accounts comes with a set of pre-defined person fields. You can duplicate default fields, but you can't delete them.
  • Custom fields – any other fields in your account, either manually added by you or automatically added when you connect an app to Encharge.

To access both the default and custom fields click on Settings and select " Custom Fields":

From this page, you can manage all of your fields, and create new ones.

In the sidebar you'll see groups of fields that you can navigate by clicking on a tab:

  • All Fields – all default and custom fields.
  • Default fields – all default fields in Encharge.
  • Tabs with app-related fields – For instance, Salesforce fields. These are custom fields automatically created when you connect a third-party app and map its fields.
  • Folders – you can organize your custom fields into folders, for example, "Company fields" or "Demographic fields"

Using person fields

Both default and custom person fields are used in many places across Encharge. Here are some of the most common ones:

Use person fields to personalize your emails and flows

Each field can be used as a dynamic merge tag to personalize data across the platform. For instance, the "First name" field can be used with its merge tag {{person.firstName}} to dynamically populate a person's name.

Create segments with person fields

When creating a new segment you can use the Field condition to build a segment of people that have a specific field value. 

In the example below, we use a number custom field named "Project budget" to create a segment of people with a project budget higher than $5,000:

Put people in different paths in a Flow based on a custom field

In Flows, custom fields can be used with the Check Field filter step to put people in different paths.

In the Flow below, multiple filter steps are used to send a personalized welcome email based on the "Data.Job Role" (a custom field) of the person. 

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