Email Metrics

Encharge provides a set of valuable email engagement metrics for all of your Flows and emails. To access your email metrics go to the Metrics page from the top navigation bar.Encharge provides the following email engagement metrics:

  • Delivered emails – total successfully delivered emails in that time period. Note that this number is different from sent emails, as it doesn't include any bounces. 
  • Opens – Total unique email opens in that time period. If a person opens an email more than once, only one open will be counted towards that metric. Note that if the email client blocks images, Encharge will not be able to track the opens. You can learn more in this article.
  • Clicks – Total unique link clicks in the email in that time period. If a person clicks a link more than once, only one click will be counted towards that metric.
  • Replies – Total number of people who replied to your email(s). You need to have the "Track replies" option turned on in the Send Email trigger step to see this metric.
  • Unsubscribed – Total number of people who clicked the Unsubscribe link in the email(s).
  • Bounced emails – a bounce in email marketing terms is an automated message from an email system, informing Encharge that the message has not been delivered. Learn more about Bounced emails in this article.
  • Skipped –   A person is skipped in one of the following cases: 1. The recipient has unsubscribed; 2. Email address is invalid; 3. The recipient has already received this marketing email.
  • Spam reports – the number of people that have manually reported your email(s) as spam. People that report your email as spam are automatically unsubscribed. Note that as a general rule of thumb this number should be lower than 2 for every 10,000 delivered emails. A high number of spam reports can lead to your account temporarily or permanently suspended.
  • Email clicks – A list of the links in the email(s) with the number of unique and non-unique clicks per link for that time period, as shown below.

You can view metrics for all of the emails in a specific Flow by choosing the Flow from the first dropdown:

You can also select more than one Flow simultaneously:

To view the metrics of a specific email, choose the email from the second dropdown:

You can also combine Flows and emails to narrow down your selection further. For instance, you can see the metrics of a specific email in a specific Flow.

The last dropdown allows you to select the timeframe:

The Custom timeframe gives you more flexibility over the specific timeframe, allowing you to specify a custom start and end date, as well as how the metrics are grouped. The possible groups are: by Day, Week, or Month.

Exporting metrics

You can export the currently visible metrics by clicking on the "Save as PDF" button at the top right.

View People

If you hover over any metric chart you'll see a pop-up button called "View People":

Click on the button for a quick overview of people who were tracked for the given metric (personal data is removed from example):

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