Creating a Zap with Encharge Triggers or Actions

Creating a new Zap with Encharge is easy!

Click on "Make a Zap" to create a new Zap
Choose a trigger. Decide whether you want to trigger a Zap with an Encharge trigger. For instance, when a new person is added to Encharge. Or you want to use an external app to trigger the Zap. For example, when a new Trello card is created.

For the sake of this example, we're going to use Hellobar to add new Hellobar subscribers to Encharge and put them into a lead nurturing sequence.

We've selected Hellobar and chose the "New Subscriber" event trigger. Click Continue.

You'll be asked to connect Hellobar to Zapier and choose an account. Once done, click Continue.

Select the site and the contact list that you'd like to send subscribers from and click Continue.

Test the trigger by creating a new contact in that list.

Now you get to select the action. For our example Zap, we need to choose the Encharge "Add or Update Person" action event.

On the next step, you're asked to select your Encharge account.

We're almost done! Now you need to map Hellobar fields to Encharge fields. It's important that you map the email address field to the email field in Encharge.

Having all your Hellobar form data in Encharge would allow you to build Segments with that data or design personalized Flows using the Check Condition filter step. Once you're done click Continue.

Note that it's currently not possible to map fields to Encharge tags or tag a person using the "Add or Update Person in Encharge". To do that, you have to add a third step in the Zap with "Add Tag in Encharge" action. To learn how to to do this, please read this article.

To test the action step click on "Test and Continue". If the test is successful you will see the success message.

Turn on the new Zap!

Triggering a Flow with people coming from Zapier

With this Zap turned on, any new Hellobar subscribers will enter Encharge. To create a Flow and put them into an email sequence you can simply use the Entered Segment "All people" trigger.

However, you may wish to trigger a Flow only for the people who enter through this particular Zap. In that case, you can create a new custom field in Encharge and call it (for example) "Submitted form".

When building your Zap map the "Submitted form" field to a custom text value, for example, "Hellobar form" as shown in the example below. That way, every Hellobar subscriber that comes from Zapier will have the "Submitted form" field value of "Hellobar form".

Then, create a Segment in Encharge with the following Field condition:

Any people that come from that Zap will enter this particular segment.

Finally, you can create a Flow that uses the Entered Segment trigger with the "Hellobar Leads" segment:

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